»Children paint their experiences«

On behalf of the “Deutschen Komitees Katastrophenvorsorge” DKKV (German Committee for Disaster Reduction) in Bonn, Helmut Lindner (Designwerft) designed an extensive exhibition for the 3rd International Emergency and Rescue Congress INTERCON, which took place in Hamburg in September 2005.

The twelve collages in the exhibition present drawings that children from Khao Lak (Thailand) made after the tsunami disaster. The drawings were supplemented with photographed portraits of children and the children’s thoughts on what they had experienced.

The exhibition was created together with the Hamburg project coordinator Carola Helwig, who worked as a project coordinator in various reception camps in Thailand after the tsunami. Several thousand children there lost their friends and/or family members as well as their homes as a result of the flood. Mrs. Helwig had children paint their experiences on canvas. Painting gave the children a way to express themselves. This produced impressive results that have already been shown at the United Nations in Bangkok.

The exhibition can be borrowed on request. Contact details can be found at: www.designwerft.biz

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